Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Day Before Tomorrow!

The film 'The Day After Tomorrow' is a story about the possible end of the world, whilst this blog post is very much about the start of a whole new one for us!

Today is the single last day that we are just a two-some! Ever! We are 11 days overdue and so first thing in the morning we are heading to Bassettlaw Hospital to be induced and to finally get to meet our little spawn that we have been brewing all year!

It feels very surreal - a word I first heard in GCSE Art all those years ago but didn't understand until now. Every time I heard it previously I think I would just imagine a load of droopy clocks and cloud balloons and stuff! But from now on the word surreal will very much mean this very moment of my life!

It feels like we've been pregnant for ages. I can barely remember before though bizzarrly this year seems to have gone really quick, and Boxing Day, when we found out about the baby, seems like just yesterday! Strange! It's probably because Milly got really big very quickly and the last two or 3 months have been quite difficult, thinking we were going to be early, trying to wait until September, difficult nights, aches, pains and all the rest of it!

I'm really pleased we managed to hang on until September. I very much would rather have a beginning of school year child, than an end of year one. I don't know if it was just me, but I do think there is a slight advantage to September babies. If I'm honest I didn't feel that I was disadvantaged in my early years having been born in July - it was later in life when everyone zoomed ahead of me! But I still always wanted an older child, so we'll see what happens now I have one!

Tomorrow is going to be a strange day. I'm looking forward to it so much but also a little nervous. I have always been a little squeamish and that's been very focussed on during this pregnanyc, will I be there or won't etc, but there was no way I was ever not going to be there, and I know I'll be fine. I don't want to look worried or panic about anything so I hope the focus isn't on me - I'm sure it won't be!

Parenthood doesn't scare me a lot, I feel like I've been waiting for this for years but I won't be going into it with my eyes closed. I'm not one bit looking forward to minging nappies, midnight feeds and projectile vomit but every part of this will be well worth it. In fact, I'm not that fussed about the night time stuff, I feel I can handle most of that - or just sleep through it! I know I will be wanting to get up with it and I know I won't be able to out it down! I say this now, I just hope I don't get too knackered. I never have massive amounts of sleep now anyway, haven't done for years but I know this won't be on the same level as that.

Got no real preference to gender either. We've got names for boths and I must say I definately love our girls name and would love it to be a girl just for that! Not the only reason though, but I don't want to think that and then be disappointed with a boy! I certainly wouldn't be! A September boy! Deffo gonna be a Liverpool striker!

I must say here as well that Milly has been great through her pregnancy. She's always glowed, always made the effort and she's had quite a bad time these past couple of months, her back really hurts and she's had some tough nights but she's never got down about it, she's been brilliant. I just know she's going to be a great mum. I certainly hand picked the best of them there! Seeing how she has always been with children I just know our lives are going to be full of so much fun.

It's been great to get my hands on my new neice Peyton too. That is my sister's baby who was born just over 3 weeks ago and is utterly gorgeous. I just want to hold her forever! I hope our little ones get on so well, it will be so nice. Kelly and Craig are great with her and are gonna be brill parents. It will be nice having the four of us so close.

I was always gutted that my other little neice Bryony lived so far away so I don't see much of her at all, and Elisyia who is my step-brothers new daughter just lives with her mum so again won't see hardly anything of her so now we have one of our own and with Peyton too, it's going to be great.

I don't feel phased by anything parent wise. I think most of it is just common sense. Some things I'm not too sure about, like what do they eat forever?! I didn't know they should just have milk for ages. I know they shouldn't have like steak straight away, give it a week, yeah?! But again I'm not phased by it as I know we will learn lots as we go along.

Anyway, need an early night as it will probably be a very long day tomorrow! Look forward to the big announcement!

Monday, 2 May 2011

20 weeks!

Today we went for our 20 week scan. It doesn't seem like 2 minutes that we had the 12 week scan -albeit at 13 weeks! It's going very fast, baby will be here in no time. We'll have to make sure we're ready, these still so much to do and get but we're not panicking just yet.

The scan lasted about an hour as the nurse was quite thorough doing the scans etc but also as baby was in a very awkward position, the head was very low and leaned back so she couldn't get to the top or back of the head to check the cerebellum.

In the end, we ended up going for a walk and having a bite to eat and drink and seeing if that would get baby moving. We were about 30 minutes and even then I don't think it had moved far at all!

The nurse eventually managed to do all the checks and measurements etc and said we had a healthy baby, about 30cm in length from top to toe! We were asked if we wanted to know the sex but we had agreed not to prior to going in but I could tell Milly would've found out on the spot had I not been there! I still don't think it stopped either of us seeing if we could se anything though! But we didn't so we're going to have a nice surprise, which is what we want. Looking forward to all the birth classes and stuff now, though not sure when they're starting.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Buying Stuff!

After finding out we were expecting our first little one I wanted to do the sensible thing and try and get as many things paid off as possible. With quite a few short, low credits and a few that were a bit high but shouldn't take an age to sort, I started paying things off every time I got paid and also saved a little more each week from my refereeing.

So far, since finding out about the pregnancy I have paid off my credit card (£1,300), my iPad (£430), cancelled my old phone contract (£15 a month), and tightened up in a few other areas too. Before the birth I hope to get our sofa paid for (£1,100), the Ikea furniture (£400), a photoshoot CD we had done (£100), and another few bits.

Saving has been going really well in fact, as you can see above, and so whilst Milly was busy scouring the virtual and retail world for the perfect... everything baby, I was at first a little hesitant to start spending heavily on baby until I had paid a few more bits off. After all, there's plenty of time, isn't there..?!

However, we both had set our sights on a great Mamas and Paps 9 in 1 travel set. Milly had seen it a few weeks ago and so I had gone to look at it recently too and thought that it did look great and was very practical. It retailed at about £700 or more but I was then offered one almost new and in superb condition for just over £300 and with a few extras too and snapped it up. The design wasn't Milly's preferred but I loved it from the moment I saw it and Milly still really liked it.

So that's one thing of about a million things sorted! We've also found our furniture range that we want to get. Again, Milly found it first and shown me and I agreed that it suits what we were looking for perfectly. Again, it retails for just over £700 but I have found it at a different seller online for £560 and it is still brand new. We are now saving up for this and hope to get it in the next couple of months. It's a really great set, in a sort of pine wood that we prefer over any dark stain or white. It is a 4 piece, including cotbed with under storage drawer, wardrobe, and chest of drawers with a changing unit on top. Looks ideal for the nursery as we want it but will also last for a great number of years whilst the little one grows up, although we'll probably have another in the next few years so it will be still in great condition for that one too :). And the others ;).

Soon the football season will be over and I can make a start on decorating the nursery, which I am very much looking to. Picked up quite a few other things too including a few clothes, toys, bits and bobs etc. Going well so far. 20 week scan soon too! Can't wait.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Best feeling ever!

Seen our little baby for the first time after having our 12 week scan today - albeit a week later than it should have been. It was fantastic, the nurse found it as soon as she put the scanner to her stomach. It was such a surprise to say how long it took to find it when we had a scan at 6 weeks and then to find the heartbeat on Tuesday.

It was a lot more developed than I expected, especially when the view went to pretty much full screen. We could clearly see everything pretty much, it's little button nose, fingers, little arms, it was amazing! Just after we started looking at it we saw the little arm raise and it looked like baby was waving at us! It was certainly Doing a lot of wriggling about. It probably won't be long before Milly starts feeling it inside her.

We were then taken aback as the legs came into view. They were so long! After all of the scans I've seen before, I've never even seen any legs on them, not at this stage at least. I thought they were just stump type things curled under the main part of the body so you can imagine my surprise when we were shown two clear, fully formed and very long legs, complete with what look like very large feet and tiny little toes!

Of course, Milly's tears flowed right from the first moment she saw it! I was too excited to start getting all emotional! We then watched as baby rolled onto it's side and away from us but luckily we'd already got the pictures we needed to print. We got 6 altogether.

Next appointment has been made for Wednesday 14th April, that's for the 20 week scan and it can't come soon enough! Oh yeah, now it's definitely confirmed that there is actually just the one baby in there so that's ok then, not that we would have been against multiple!

Exciting day ahead!

Tuesday this week was fantastic, hearing the heartbeat of our new baby for the very first time. The appointment with the midwife went well, but was pretty standard really. She asked how Amelia was feeling etc and took a few notes and booked her in again for a few weeks afetr our scan today before asking if we wanted to hear the heartbeat. Of course we did!

She did warn us that it may be difficult at this stage to actually pick it up and so we shouldn't worry if she couldn't find it but that didn't stop the tense moments when there was nothing but a deathly silence for what felt like an eternity. 2 or 3 times she picked up Amelia's pulse and it looked like we were out of luck, which would have been a disaster. There was no way we would have left that room in a clear state of mind had we not heard the heart beat. It would have made the next 3 days unbearable.

However, just as we were beginning to worry, and I could see Amelia's eyes welling up with fear, there was a much faster beat over the device and we were told there it was, our baby's heartbeat! It was brilliant hearing it for the first time!

Now we can't wait for the scan. Seeing it for the first time is going to be absolutely amazing! I hope, and I'm sure it is, that everything is perfect and this is a huge stage for us.


Monday, 10 January 2011

First Scan

We had our first sneak preview of junior today, though there were some slight disappointment as we didn't really see much. Having gone with Kelly a couple of weeks ago to hers, I expected Milly to be as far along as she was then so the scan to be just as clear. Add to that how large she has already got in such a short space of time, we were thinking she could be much further along than say 5-6 weeks.

Mill started to get really nervous before going but I told her she didn't need to be. We got there on time and went in for the scan about 9:20am. The nurse found the 'sac' quickly and zoomed into it and said that there was a little heartbeat but you couldn't see much else. I couldn't even see the heartbeat. I remember seeing the one at Kelly's scan and it was a clear beating spec but this time I couldn't make anything out. It was quite a disappointment.

She confirmed that we were only 5-6 weeks still and that she was just carrying a lot of water. She had a look around the rest of her stomach and said everything looked good and there was nothing to worry about. We didn't even get a prinout of it, though there was nothing really to see anyway.

Never mind, only another 6 weeks to the next one! We've got our first midwife appointment next Tuesday at 9:30am too. Really looking forward to it.

Friday, 7 January 2011

6 Weeks? 10 Weeks? Twins???

Just over a week of knowing now and already it seems like it's been a lifetime! That's not a bad thing, it just feels like we've known for much longer. Already Milly and her mum are picking bits and bobs up!

Although we decided not to tell anyone outside of the family before the 12 week scan, I think it's safe to say that all family, most friends and all work colleagues know, but we're still not making it officially 'public' just yet.

Milly's bump has really taken off over the past few days. I wouldn't expect her to have one for many weeks yet but she's developed a massive one in such a short space of time that it leaves us wondering whether she really is only 6 weeks!? We had a midwife appointment booked for 26th January but she's now had this changed to 18th and booked into Bassetlaw for a scan next Monday (10th), I can't wait! AT least this will give us an idea if she is further along, maybe there is more than one in there, or maybe she's just doing a great impression of a camel and holding a lot of water!

I was on top of the world when we first found out but over the last few days haven't been as buzzing as I initially was. Again, not in a bad way, but I couldn't be like Milly will be for the next 8 months or so, constantly on cloud 9 etc but it's more to the fact that I'm really trying hard now to get things ready for it. Financially more than anything. I'm gonna work so hard to pay off all our credits so that we can chill out and spend money on it when it comes, or is near. I don't feel like I can start spending for it yet this early, which is why I'm not fully in the air about it all, but last night we went to Asda and just looking at the childrens clothes in George made me feel funny, like I'm gonna be buying my little girl / boy a cute little outfit soon! I really can't wait and I know I'm incredibly excited about it but just keeping my feet on the ground for now, otherwise it's going to be a long pregnancy!!!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Well, it's been just over a week since we found out about the little one. It's gone so quickly already, I bet the next 8 or 9 months will go just as fast. Milly's already looking for anything and everything that we need and has bought a few bits and bobs, including a Christmas pudding outfit for next Xmas! Milly's mum has also been picking things up for her house and some maternity clothes for Milly.

We've had a couple of trips out to places too including Meadowhall to look for ideas for the nursery etc. We've both decided that we don't want to find out the sex and so everything we're looking at needs to be neutral. I never really liked that idea much as I didn't want to be stuck with just a load of beige clothes etc but a lot of the things that we're looking at such as push chairs, nursery furniture and even clothes, are what we'd probably look at if we knew we were having a boy or girl anyway as it suits both and is nice.

Milly has sorted a midwife but has to wait till 26th January to meet her. She is desperate for a scan just to make sure everything is ok and also to find out how far along she is. We've worked it out that she's about 5 and a half weeks now but it could be a little longer than that really. I think that sounds about right though. It will be good to see how close our baby and my sisters baby are born as she went for a scan last week and was told she was only about 7 weeks when we thought she was much further along. That means there may only be about 2 weeks between them and that gap could be reduced depending on when they are both born. That would be good for them to be very similar ages growing up together - although that is going to be the case now anyway as even if there ends up being 3 or 4 weeks between them being born, that's still very close! It would be weird for them though if they don't end up being in the same school year as each other, which they won't be if Kelly's is born in August and ours September. 

We're having to decide what is best for the house situation too. For the past couple of years we have rented our spare room to various people as an extra required income and it has helped us out immensely. These range from old work mates, to my brother and sister, to a few people we have only met when advertising the room. We've never really made the most of the money though, such as putting it towards paying things off but it has made living in general a lot better as we've had money to do more than we had before. We always said that by the time we had children we didn't want to have anyone renting the room though so we could just be our family. I certainly wouldn't want strangers in though and so when my sister got pregnant and needed to find somewhere to live, we thought it would be good for them to come here.

At this point though we didn't know we were pregnant and although i was against it at first, as I wanted to rent both spare rooms for the next year and get extra money in and spend the next year paying everything off, did come around to the idea of having them here. We ended up asking them when we found out we were expecting and the thought of us all being under one roof with both babies was quite fun. However, a lot of people are surprised by it and now trying to convince us it's not really for the best. There's going to be a lot of hormones in the run up to the births and a lot of stressed ladies! There'd be fights for the bathroom when the morning sickness kicks in and plans for the nursery may not be agreed.

We need to talk together and with them to decide what is best for us all.