Friday, 25 February 2011

Best feeling ever!

Seen our little baby for the first time after having our 12 week scan today - albeit a week later than it should have been. It was fantastic, the nurse found it as soon as she put the scanner to her stomach. It was such a surprise to say how long it took to find it when we had a scan at 6 weeks and then to find the heartbeat on Tuesday.

It was a lot more developed than I expected, especially when the view went to pretty much full screen. We could clearly see everything pretty much, it's little button nose, fingers, little arms, it was amazing! Just after we started looking at it we saw the little arm raise and it looked like baby was waving at us! It was certainly Doing a lot of wriggling about. It probably won't be long before Milly starts feeling it inside her.

We were then taken aback as the legs came into view. They were so long! After all of the scans I've seen before, I've never even seen any legs on them, not at this stage at least. I thought they were just stump type things curled under the main part of the body so you can imagine my surprise when we were shown two clear, fully formed and very long legs, complete with what look like very large feet and tiny little toes!

Of course, Milly's tears flowed right from the first moment she saw it! I was too excited to start getting all emotional! We then watched as baby rolled onto it's side and away from us but luckily we'd already got the pictures we needed to print. We got 6 altogether.

Next appointment has been made for Wednesday 14th April, that's for the 20 week scan and it can't come soon enough! Oh yeah, now it's definitely confirmed that there is actually just the one baby in there so that's ok then, not that we would have been against multiple!

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