Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy 21st!!

We took plenty of precaution in the build up to our wedding in May 2010 as not to fall pregnant shortly before the big day and send the whole planning to cock. However, we both knew (as did many others) that after the wedding it would only be a matter of time before the pitter patter of little feet arrived in our home.

We discussed it on Honeymoon in Italy when the time would be right to start our family and we both felt ready. Many factors in our lives would prevent others from trying so soon, such as finances, risk of job loss, age, experience etc but these could all be factors in 10 years time in this world (probably not the age thing!) and so it was felt that we would start trying straight away. Even on our Honeymoon we were hoping to fall pregnant. Names such as Verona, Roma and Florence became discussed as part of our plans but unfortunately it wasn't to be.

We continued to 'try' upon our return, perhaps not as much as someone ever-keen on becoming pregnant but the closer to the end of the year it got, the more the focus was on the need to be pregnant as not to affect next years wedding of Amelia's sister, Abi, who will be marrying Paul in November. We'd set November as the final month that we would hope to fall pregnant, but when this didn't happen, we were both quite upet and agreed that one more month of trying would still be safe.

We did everything right this month, working out the best dates to conceive and hoped that our well prepared month would bare the fruits. A couple of negative tests brought disappointment as Amelia's period due date approached and the news around us that my sister had become pregnant during this time, not to mention our beautiful niece Elysia's arrival on 31st October, and even a pregnancy scare from Amelia's mum could only add to our disappointment.

Amelia had been given a 'Lucky Test' for Secret Santa from one of her work colleagues who was set to go on maternity leave herself and told her to do it on Christmas morning. As this date approached and coincided with her due date, period pains had already begun and so we weren't holding our breath. We were that convinced that we didn't do the test around Christmas as we didn't want it to upset our celebrations.

I discussed with Milly (now I'll drop the Sunday name!) that I had been feeling like I didn't want to wait until after Abi's wedding to start trying again due to my age and felt we were ready now and Abi would understand if we ended up pregnant during her day. It would just mean a bigger dress for Milly! I was going to speak to Abi to check she was totally ok with this, whilst Milly, who had however been having a few signs of pregnancy, was becoming frustrated at yet another late period, This was nothing new so we didn't see it as a clue to being pregnant.

On Boxing Day, Milly celebrated her 21st birthday. We spent most of the day with various family members and at a Pantomime before heading home later in the eveing to collect some things for a family party at my mums. Milly had decided to take the test to just get it out of the way so we could get on wit our Christmas. Suddenly, a shout from upstairs; "ADAM! It's Positive!" I dashed upstairs to see her confirming this with her test as tears rolled down her face (and pants round her knees!). I checked the test and then felt the delight sweep across my body as I hugged her.

We wet to my mum's for the party and told my sister Kelly and her partner Craig, before telling everyone else know. They were all delighted for us, as were Milly's family when we went to surprise them with the news.

It was certainly the best present either of us could have wished for and has made it a birthday never to forget!

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